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What is the Sacrament of Reconciliation ?

Also called sacrament of forgiveness or confession, this sacrament allows the faithful to be reconciled with the Church by allowing them to examine their conscience by looking for their lack of love, towards God, others and themselves._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ We were “connected” to God at the time of our baptism. It is the sacrament that fills us with the presence of the Holy Spirit. However, we can sometimes “unplug” ourselves. We can easily be careless in our relationship with God, as in a friendship. Friendships break when one person hurts the other, just as sin breaks our relationship with God.  


Once the believer has been confessed, God, through the priest, offers him forgiveness.   The penitent must have the firm intention not to sin again.

It is a joy for Christ to see one of his lost sheep come home.   Priests are generally available before or after each of the Eucharistic celebrations.   It is also possible to make an appointment by calling the pastoral center (418-543-7734).

Il est possible de recevoir le sacrement du pardon lors des messes ou en communiquant avec un prêtre.

Valin Pastoral Unit

pastoral center

200, rue du Régent, Chicoutimi (north sector)

Phone: 418-543-7734

Fax: 418-543-7735

Monday to Thursday: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Friday: the office is closed

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©2022 Valin Pastoral Unit
Design: Josée Desmeules, apl

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