Valin Pastoral Unit
Let's walk together, in diversity, with... strength, audacity and creativity

Christian Initiation
Catechesis, which used to be called “religious education at school”, is now offered in the parish and in close collaboration with the family. It offers initiation courses for children with a view to receiving the sacraments (pardon, first communion, confirmation), but also and increasingly, meetings for young people and adults who wish to renew their understanding of the faith. Christian in connection with others.
Catechesis is much more dynamic today because it involves everyone's participation, based on life and human experience. It meets basic needs: meeting other people and making connections, developing greater self-confidence, deepening one's spiritual life. Parents who want their child to take action will also be invited to participate actively.
Others will choose to register for meetings between adults, when they realize that they have not received the sacrament of confirmation, when they had the opportunity during childhood. It is often after having been chosen to be godfather or godmother of a future baptized person that this "discovery" takes on an urgent character. Confirmation is a sacrament of the Church and, as with all sacraments, it deserves that we take the time necessary to prepare ourselves adequately for it. It is preferable to live such a journey without any obligation.
(Source: Diocese of Chicoutimi website)